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WebAssembly with Grain

  • Grain is a functional programming language designed for WebAssembly.

Install Grain

To install Grain, follow the instructions here:

Grain Code

The Fibonacci code in Grain is:

import {toList} from "array"
import {drop, forEach, length, map} from "list"
import {parseInt} from "number"
import {trim} from "string"
import {fdRead, stdin} from "sys/file"
import {argv} from "sys/process"
import {expect} from "result"

print("Grain - Fibonacci sequence example")

let rec fibonacci = (i) => {
if (i <= 1) {
} else {
fibonacci(i - 1) + fibonacci(i - 2)

let args = expect("failed to parse arguments", argv())
let indexes = drop(1, toList(args))
let indexes = if (length(indexes) == 0) {
print("Enter a non-negative number:")
let (s, _) = expect("failed to read stdin", fdRead(stdin, 19))
let i = expect("failed to parse stdin as integer number", parseInt(trim(s), 10))
} else {
map((arg) => { expect("failed to parse argument " ++ toString(arg) ++ " as integer number", parseInt(arg, 10)) }, indexes)
forEach((i) => { print("Fibonacci sequence number at index " ++ toString(i) ++ " is " ++ toString(fibonacci(i))) }, indexes)

Access the Grain codex repository for code samples, including the fibonacci example.


The function is recursive with the keyword rec in Grain.

Compile Grain to Wasm

To compile your Grain code, simply run :


This will print 13 and generate a file.

Run with Enarx

enarx run